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Corporate Social Responsibility

Green Agro operates with the utmost sensitivity to environmental issues and waste management.


Green Agro’s warehouse environmental operation is based on an Environmental Impact Assessment Study, validated by the respective competent Environmental authority, which has issued the Environmental Terms according to which Green Agro’s warehouse is operating.

Air Emissions originated by central heating (in administration space) are checked on a yearly basis by a certified auditor, and are within permissible limits.No liquid waste is produced, except sanitary waste water which is disposed in the local, municipal sewage system and then to a wastewater treatment facility.Solid waste is classified as hazardous, non-hazardous or as recyclable material and is disposed and treated accordingly.


It is within Green Agro’s standard practices to make utmost utilization of existing infrastructure of local responsible authorities.

Paper, plastic (wrapping material, bottles etc.), aluminum, batteries, etc. are recycled with the aid of local municipal and private waste recycling offices.

Waste handling

Non recyclable, non-hazardous material is forwarded and disposed to the local landfill.

In case of a non-hazardous material spill, the spilt material is collected with another inert, non-hazardous, absorbing material and is disposed accordingly.

In case of a hazardous material spill, the spilt material is collected with another inert, non-hazardous, absorbing material and disposed as a hazardous material.

Wooden pallets are reused and when destroyed are forwarded to a local pallet manufacturer installation.

All waste is generally handled according to existing infrastructure of local responsible authorities.
