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Fire resistant walls and doors

3 different fire compartments segregated by 90 minute fire resistant walls at least one meter exalted over the roof, including 90 minute fire resistance doors with automatic closure system.

Administration building part segregated from the warehouse areas by 90 minute fire resistant walls at least one meter exalted over the roof.

Ventilation system

Permanent ventilation openings at low and high wall elevation and in the roof area (roof vent) leading to non-stop air exchange (min. 4 changes of air per hour) allowing smoke and solvent vapours to escape.

Control of high temperature due to excellent natural airing and heat-insulating walls.


Impermeable industrial floor with drainage pipe system leading to reinforced concrete underground tank with 700m3 capacity.


Elevated side walls by 15cm at warehouse floor and elevated levels at entrances Retention volume for fire fighting water plus chemicals approx. 500m3 (plus 700m3 underground tank).

Forklifts recharging

Separate ventilated area for forklifts recharging with fire resistance door and automatic closure system.

Escape doors

Escape doors in at least every 35 metres in the entire warehouse.


5°C - 30°C is the temperature range inside the Warehouse according to the Warehouse ventilation study.

There is continuous ventilation inside the Warehouse.


Pallet racking bolted to the floor.

Protection against fork lift truck damages.

Racking levels attached to framework by clips.

Mecalux anti-earthquake rack system.

Lightning Rod

Installed lightning rod system with enhanced ionization
